Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pathology Results

I went to the Dr for my follow-up appointment today. I'm glad Kyle went with me because it was a lot of information to absorb.

The pathology results confirmed the doctor's suspicions that it was in-fact a partial molar pregnancy. She said that she hasn't seen anyone with a molar/partial molar pregnancy in 2-3 years, it is that uncommon! I'm not going to try & explain what that is because it is pretty complicated, but here is the info on the March of Dimes website if you are interested (you may have to click on the question: What is a molar pregnancy?):

I have to go back in for more follow-ups than I expected. She did a full-panel blood work up today and I have to go in for blood work to check my hCG levels every week. I will go weekly until the levels drop below 5, then I will go every 4 weeks. My hCG levels will be monitored closely for at least 6 months.

There is a small chance that the molar tissue can grow back, then I would have to have another D & C. There is also a chance that the molar cells could grow back cancerous. That is why it is so important to monitor my hCG levels so closely.

My doctor said that she expects everything to go well, but it is important to be extra cautious. I am a little nervous about the whole process, but am optimistic that my levels will go down and stay down without any further problems. Of course I have learned through all of this that I am not really the one in charge; God had a different plan for us right now. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.


Anjie said...

Wow...that is a lot to take in! Hang in there--I will continue keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

The Bibler Family said...

I am so sorry for all you are going through. I can't imagine how you must feel. I will be praying for you and your family.

Honey said...

You are in my thoughts everyday...

Beth said...

Hi, I was just searching blogs and found yours. Eight months ago I found out I had a complet molar pregnancy. I have not found anyone else who has experienced this because they are so rare. I just wanted you to know there was someone else out there. I will be praying for you.