Papa Caraway, Sheila, Haleigh and Devin came to visit yesterday. It has been so windy here the past couple of days, so Papa decided to buy a kite. The girls had lots of fun watching Devin fly the kite. It didn't last too long though because Haleigh let it fly right into a tree! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Then Keri decided to show off her new bike riding skills and practice some baseball. Keri asked yesterday if she could go home with them, so we packed her bags this afternoon and she headed off to Cisco for the week. She will love getting some one-on-one attention for a while. It will probably make things a little easier for us next week. I love when my parents come for a visit, we always have a great time and the girls love spending time with them. Here are a few pictures taken with the NEW camera.
Getting ready:
Girls in deep discussion:
Devin flying the kite:
Do you see any resemblance?
They were running up and down the hill:
Keri's new Barbie bike:
Papa helping Kendal with her new bike:
What a swing!

Getting ready:
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